At our boutique opticians in Stoke Newington, Askew Eyewear will look for cataracts as part of your eye examination. We can advise you on treatment and cataract surgery.
What are cataracts
Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of your eye. They make your vision blurry and misty. Left untreated, they can grow in size, eventually causing blindness.
They are very common, particularly as you grow older.
Risk factors
- A history of the condition in the family
- Smoking
- Over-exposing eyes to UV rays
- Regularly drinking too much alcohol
- Diabetes
- Eye surgery for an eye condition or eye injury
- Corticosteroid medications
Treating cataracts
Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful operations in the world in in most cases takes about 15 minutes under local anaesthetic. Most people are able to return to a daily routine after 24 hours.
External links

Vision with cateracts